Grapes are the fruit of the vine. The vineyard is also called vine (Vitis Vinif- era), it is a climbing plant and its products are must, wine, vinegar and raisins, while it can also be sweet to the spoon. It has been known as a fruit since ancient times and is also mentioned in the Bible. There are several varieties in Greece, such as the Sultanina of Corinth. In general, they are divided based on its color, white, red and black. Grapes medically fight fluid retention. It is rich in potassium and vitamins, and has both antioxidant and anti-cancer effects, due to the resveratrol, which is found in its skin (from Wikipedia).
“Drinking the Corinthian Sun, reading marbles, scrambled vineyards seas” (Odysseas Elytis)
In Greece, vineyards have been cultivated for thousands of years, from findings and reports we know that the first samples of viticulture date back to 3,000 BC. According to Greek mythology, Staphylos was the son of Dionysus and Ariadne. As for the grape, there are reports from Homer’s epics and it is no coincidence that it occupied a dominant position in the ancient synagogues, while the Bible states that it was cultivated in Noah’s days.
Grapes are an enjoyable fruit but at the same time they are a unique source of vitamins and experts recommend them for longevity and detoxification:
- It has a high content of vitamins A, B, C and potassium.
- Anthocyanins, polyphenols and quercetin contained in grapes, due to their antioxidant properties, prevent the formation and action of free radicals, strengthen vessel walls, reduce inflammation and have anti-aging, anti-cancer and cardioprotective effects.
- It is considered an extremely detoxifying food, which fights fluid retention and increases diuresis, thus helping to eliminate toxins.
- Greek study links grape consumption (Greek varieties) to protection from air pollution.
- Grape seed oil lowers cholesterol and therefore protects against cardiovascular disease.
- Grapes are used for external use, mainly in anti-aging facial, body and hair treatments.
- From the book of dr. Bernard Jensen (“Healing Foods”, published by Dioptra), about grapes and its healing value, tells us:
- The therapeutic value of this fruit is due to the amount of magnesium it contains. Magnesium is an essential element for good bowel function.
- And grapes are great for replenishing magnesium. Grapes are beneficial for cleansing the liver and kidney function.
- Grapes alkalize the blood. They also contain a lot of water, so they add fluids that are essential for the secretion of hardened stores, which can be deposited on any part of the body.
- They are wonderful for the kidneys and bladder and very soothing for the nervous system.
- Thanks to their high content of grape sugar, they offer immediate energy.
Is it allowed during diet?
Many people think that grapes have no place in the diet because of their high sugar content. The natural sweetness of grapes is due to its natural sugars, fructose and not sugar, sucrose as we usually mean it. A medium bunch of grapes (40-50 rolls) has about 150 calories, which is 2 other large fruits. So you can consume it without fear and in the context of a diet for weight loss.
Finally, the grapes produce many favorite by-products, such as wine, vinegar, mustard, petimezi and many others. It is also a key ingredient in many traditional and Mediterranean cuisines.